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Baby Approved Board Books

Cassie Camara

My favourite thing right now is letting Lily choose a book and read it to Mason and I.

She has no idea what the words on the pages say yet, so I love letting her use her imagination to tell us what is happening in the pictures. Sometimes she get's pretty close to what the words say, other time she comes up with something completely unique. I find that allowing her to do this has really allowed her imagination to blossom. She also thinks she is such a great big sister when she snuggles up and reads a book to her brother!

This week I've teamed up with Alice from Usborne Books to bring you a list of some of our favourite board books!

This is one of our favourites. I've read it a few times to the kids since we got it. But we've also had a lot of fun coming up with our own version of the story. There are so many great pictures in the books that Lily comes up with the most creative stories. We also use the book to sing "The Wheels on the Bus" and talk about the different animals we see on the bus and the noises they would make. The wheels at the bottom of the book also move which Mason really enjoys. I also used this book when we did our car wash active world tray. Before starting the activity we read the book together and talked about the different parts on the bus that you would need to wash. Lily then showed me on her toy school bus the different parts she saw in the book.

The opportunities are endless with this cute book!

These are one of our favourite book series. I love these books for 2 reasons:

1. There are minimal words so it's great to keep kids engaged for the entire story

2. It provides sensory stimulation - i love that it exposes your child to different senses and I also find that the touch and feel aspect keeps your child engaged longer. It is also nice to change it up a bit from sitting and reading a typical book and having it be more hands on and allowing your child to get more involved. If you love these books just as much as I do, click here to see the entire list of "That's Not My..." books that Usborne offers.

This is another favourite of ours! Throughout the book children are guided to look for the duck on each page. What I love though is that it doesn't just encourage children to look for the duck but to also look for an identify other items. Without even prompting her Lily started naming and identifying other items in the photos she recognized. When she didn't know the name of something she would ask. It's a great conversation starter book. I also love that it is hard cover so it is great for Mason to explore as well.

For all your reading needs contact Alice!

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