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  • Cassie Camara

Diary of a First Trimester

F U 1st Trimester! That is what I think of you! I definitely can say I am happy to see you come and go, and thankfully with us being so busy this summer it went pretty quickly.

From basically the moment I took a pregnancy test and learned I was pregnant it was a start button for the nausea to start. I had nausea with both of my other pregnancies but this time seems to be the worst so far. It is constant, morning and night, sometimes subsides during the day. I have ZERO appetite and feel like I have to remind and force myself to eat, usually resulting in me hugging the toilet for a bit. I am taking Diclectin which does help, but doesn't always. When I feel like eating a lot of the time I crave sweets, but what I really crave is being able to eat a full meal for once. Right now my go to is a hot tea in the morning with arrowroot cookies and then chicken noodle soup throughout the day.

Sorry if you were expecting me to paint you a pretty picture that isn't what you are going to get here. Don't get me wrong I am so blessed to be pregnant and truly do love being pregnant. However, there is also lots that I don't love about being pregnant and that is okay too. I find that people too often sugar coat pregnancy and hide the stuff that is tough. Well, I am not that mom. I wish someone had told me the truth, the cold hard truth during my 1st pregnancy so that I was actually prepared. Knowing just the good doesn't help, at least in my opinion.

I find the 1st trimester is filled with a lot of appointments and decisions. When I was on Pinterest I came across a lot of lists of "Things to do During Your First Trimester". Again by now, I feel like a pro and that I should be able to skip some of these steps but you have to go through the motions LOL. The first thing the checklists tell you to do is make an appointment with your OB. However, did you know that most people don't actually see their OB until much later in the pregnancy (unless your choosing to use a midwife then the situation is different). But for those choosing an OB most times the family doctor will follow you up till a certain point, then you will see an OB. The next thing the lists tell you to do is get a pregnancy planner, count me out! LOL I did this with Lily and did find it helpful but feel like I have no time for that right now. However, what I do find helpful is keeping a note in my phone of questions that I want to ask at my appointments so I don't forget and it helps me stay organized. Step 3: Evaluate your diet - seriously? What diet? I can barely eat! Don't let this stress you out - there are a million sites that will tell you things you can and cannot eat! Don't over think it too much. Do you research and ask questions, but ultimately do what is best for you and your babe. Step 4: Take a Before picture! This is a must in my books. I love documenting my growing bump and find it too easy to forget. I pregnancy journals for all of my kids and I love documenting and looking back on these moments in both written form and photographs. My favourite pregnancy journal is my Promptly Childhood History Journals. It starts from pregnancy and documents up until your childs 18th birthday all in one space! I schedule in my phone to take monthly bump updates and don't think you will regret doing it either.

While there are lots of time sensitive and important things happening in the 1st trimester I find that makes it go by quickly. You are choosing how to tell your family and friends and when. All the excitement and emotions are running through you that your brain never seems to shut down. Try to slow down and enjoy it. Make note of special moments and feelings you have. Reflect on your changing and growing body. This is a beautiful experience and one that you are going to want to remember.

One of my favourite moments from this trimester is Chris and I went to our first ultrasound for this pregnancy together. I love these days! While sometimes my stomach is filled with butterflies and I am yearning to hear that I can empty my bladder! I love getting to see our babe. It is always such a surreal and special moment and I love sharing that with my husband. I also love how excited Lily is this time around. While she was excited when I was pregnant with Mason her understanding is much greater this time. It is so cute hearing the things she says and how much she talks about it. But I am going to share more on that in our We're Expecting Blog later this month!

Next to the nausea and vomiting, my first trimester hasn't been all that bad. It's definitely been a blur but there's been good too! I am excited to enter the 2nd trimester, to see a baby bump develop and to feel those first flutters of movement. So much to look forward to in the upcoming months and I can't wait to share it all with you.

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