Shockingly, I am surprised at how fast the 2nd trimester has gone by. I feel like with the holidays and all the craziness that comes along with it that I blinked and I am in the 3rd trimester of my pregnancy.
A lot of exciting things happen during the 2nd trimester. Especially since you tend to get a break in the pregnancy symptoms you experience during the 1st trimester that you are able to enjoy it a bit. For the most part, that was the case for me.
The nausea subsided a bit, it definitely didn't go away but it did taper off.
I got a slight burst of energy back. About as much as you can get when you are taking care of 2 toddlers and are pregnant.
We found out we were adding another girl to our family.
My bump continues to grow and I love feeling all the flutters and movement inside.
One of the best parts is seeing Lily's excitement grow as my belly grows. I think seeing how my stomach grows helps her understand that her sister is growing. She now loves to listen to my tummy and feel for movement it isn't so "weird" now according to her. She also talks non stop about how she is going to teach her sister all sorts of different things, how she is going to help me, sing to her sister and rock her, and so much more. But with all those fun things, she's also starting asking about some tougher subjects. Will you and I still get to spend time together? Where will the baby sleep? (we only have two bedrooms for the kids, so there will be some changes to the sleeping arrangements). Who will go to the hospital with you? And who will stay with me mommy?
All things that sometimes when she asks, it breaks my hear that she is worrying about such things. But usually when I answer them, and I make sure to always answer honestly, she understands and moves on from the subject positively. But at the same time it also pulls at my heart strings a bit because I know our one on one time will be cut shorter sometimes and that there is going to be a lot of change for all of us adding someone new to the family. And I hate for either her or Mason to feel that the change is negative or hurting them. These feelings are all too fresh from when I was pregnant with Mason but one thing for sure is that I know we've managed and figured things out before and we will definitely do it again.
As much as at times I am ready for my pregnancy to be over because it hasn't been easy from;
the nausea
groin and pelvic pain
extreme exhaustion and fatigue
back pain
I want time to slow down. There are only 2 and a bit more months left of my pregnancy and knowing this is my last I want to savour all of the good stuff. The flutters of movement that only I get to experience and my growing bump are two of my favourite things. I also want to savour the time that we have as a family of 4.
Thank you all for following along on this journey with me. For sending me words of encouragement and helping me push through the hard parts. It is so nice to know that I am not alone in what I am experiencing and that there are so many amazing women and parents out there just waiting to lend a hand. It is truly an amazing community we've created and I feel blessed for each and every one of you!