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  • Cassie Camara

Meet the Maker - Brave Life Photography

I have been dying to show you guys the photos that Sarah from @bravelifephotography took of Mason and Lily for Easter. Brave Life Photography is a cozy, boutique full-service photo studio featuring Hamilton's MOST ADORABLE newborns, babies and kids! Sarah loves to celebrate real-life, the amazing connection of family, new creations and the courage of growth. I debated on getting Easter photographs done, but when I saw Sarah's beautiful work I just couldn't resist. Sarah was such a joy to work with and I think you all will enjoy getting to know her some more below!

Do you have kids? If so how many & age? Yes! 4 kids - Sydney 21, Zakary 20, April Marie 18, Liam 17

Are you a stay at home mom? Now that my kids are older, on editing days I'm a stay at home dog mom to 9 year old Stella the basset hound and 4 year old Jack the mystery guy who came to us through Moringa's Mission in the Dominican Republic 

What is your favourite thing to do for yourself? Meditate. Whether it's sitting in a quiet space or taking a walk in the forest, meditation always saves the day. I've also watched ALL of Netflix while editing.

What's one thing you couldn't live without? My family, obviously. And tea.

What advice would you give your younger self ? I would say, "Self, stop trying to fit in with everyone else, you don't belong there!"

Where is business located out of? You can visit Brave Life Photography's Studio by appointment at 805 King Street East in Hamilton

How did you choose the name for your business? I wanted the name of my business to really celebrate the courage and joy that each of life's moments can bring, no matter how big or teeny, tiny small - and so Brave Life Photography was born!

What advice can you give someone looking to start up their own business? Be brave. Face the fear. Follow your gut, every time.

What sets your business apart from others alike? There are a lot of fantastic photographers in our city! I learned early on not to compare myself to others but to be the best I can be for each and every one of my clients and really capture the best memories for them. Many have become really great friends and I enjoy watching their newborns grow!

What is the most challenging part of running your business? So many ideas, so little time!

Coffee or tea? Tea, always. Neutral or colourful? Yes. Morning or night? Morning, my whole life I've woken up at 7am.  Starbucks or Tim Hortons? Tims  Online shopping or in store? BOTH! Instagram or Facebook? Facebook sucks the most of my time for sure! Text or phone call? Text, unless its my sister!

@Camara.Crew Stamp of Approval:

Whenever we have done professional photos shoots we have them done outdoors or in our home. We have only done 1 photo shoot inside a photographers home but never in an actual studio. When I walked into Sarah's studio I was in awe. Her space was FILLED with beautiful props for your photos. From backdrops, to newborn photo props and outfits. You name it, she had it! For our photo shoot she had 2 setups; one that was Easter themed and the other Spring themed. They were both absolutely gorgeous. The lighting was beautiful, the props were in great condition and everything complimented each other beautifully.

On the way to the photo shoot I was a bit worried. Lily was getting tired and I wasn't sure if she was going to cooperate especially with it being a new place and person. But Sarah turned on her charm and I have never seen Lily cooperate like she did for a photo shoot. While Lily didn't sit and pose like her brother so effortlessly did she was the best little helper. Sarah caught some special candid moments between Lily and her brother which I will cherish forever. And to be honest, I prefer the candid photos over the more posed photos! There is just something so special about seeing a moment between two siblings captured in a photo.

Not long after the photo shoot Sarah sent me a photo she captured of Mason. I immediately showed anyone that was close to me because it was the CUTEST photo I've ever seen. He looked so handsome in his little outfit and like such a little man sitting in the chair. Sarah left me itching to see the rest of the photos from the shoot. Her turn around time for the photos was very quick (1 week turn around) and accessing and downloading our photos was very easy.

I also have to say Sarah's newborn photo are absolutely AMAZING! I still cannot get over how she captures everyone's babies so beautifully. If you are looking for someone to capture those precious newborn moments you have to check out Sarah's work and studio! I can promise you won't regret it.

& now the moment you all have been waiting for, the PHOTOS! I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I do. Whenever I need to smile I just pull up these photos and my heart is full.

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