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  • Cassie Camara

Meet the Maker - brave new mama

Updated: Dec 15, 2019

One thing I've been trying to do more of lately is read. I find that reading is extremely therapeutic for me and helps me shut my brain down at the end of the night. Reading can also be extremely inspirational for me. Especially when reading a book that you find so relatable. And that is exactly what I have found in today's meet the maker feature on Vicki from brave new mama. brave new mama is a collection of short pieces (some call them poems, some call them love notes) that attempt to capture the essence and spirit of the first year of motherhood. Vicki initially wrote it for herself and, then, decided to share it with the world.

Do you have kids? If so how many & age? I have two beautiful boys. Félix is 4 and Théo is 15 months old.

What's one thing people probably don't know about you? That I am as passionate about the end of life as I am about the beginning of life. I am a certified End-of-Life Care Facilitator and my next book centers around death.

Are you a stay at home mom? Yes... and no! I am incredibly fortunate to be able to stay

home about 75% of the time and to work in my clinical practice (I am a Registered

Acupuncturist) about 25% of the time (evenings and weekends, when my husband is home).

What is your favourite thing to do for yourself? I treat myself to an aromatherapy massage once a month, with Anne Quast of Riverbend Essential Oil in North Bay. It is divine.

What is your favourite date night activity? A slow, delicious meal with aged wine and a shared chocolate mousse for dessert.

What's one thing you couldn't live without? Trees.

Who's your IG inspiration? Beth (

) inspires me to minimilize objects in my life and to focus, instead, on experiences.

What advice would you give your younger self? “Don’t worry so much. Trust in the sacred unfolding of life.”

Where was the book written? It was written in various places in the city of Toronto (in coffee shops, on the streetcar, mostly in my bed) while I navigated the first year of motherhood in 2015-2016. It was edited and assembled into the book it is today at my kitchen table in Callander, Ontario.

How did you choose the name for your book? The realization that I even had a book—that the love notes I had been writing to myself were, in fact, a book!—and the name of that book (brave new mama) all came to me in a single, extraordinary aha moment that I will never forget for as long as I live.

How do you balance having kids & writing? I don’t. I am awful at balancing. I try to fit in writing in the small, empty spaces of my day and usually fail. Occasionally, I remove myself from my family—lock myself in the bedroom, or go to a coffee shop—and invite the words to come. Sometimes, they don’t. But, more often than not, when the words are invited to come, and the portal is open, they do.

Where can people find your book? It is currently available worldwide on Amazon.

What advice can you give someone looking to write their own book? If your heart is full of words, write them down.

What sets your book apart from others like it? There are plenty of “new motherhood” books out there, and many of them are wonderful. But I don’t think there is another book quite like brave new mama in terms of theme, style, and accessibility. Many moms have told me, “I love your book because the pieces are so short and short pieces are all that my exhausted brain can handle at the moment!” Also, my book was not written by an “expert.” It was written by a new mama, navigating the post-partum period as best as she could. I think this is what makes the book unique and why so many other mamas connect to it so deeply.

What is the most challenging part of writing a book? For me, with this particular book, the hardest part was publishing it and letting it fly, free, into the world. It felt a bit like sending my firstborn off to kindergarden. Terrifying.

What does a typical day look like for you? I don’t have a “typical” day. My days vary with the seasons and with my energy levels, though they always contain a strong cup of tea, a few good words (either written or read), and plenty of kid hugs and kisses. I aim to be gentle with myself and to not commit to too many things.

Favourite song: Blackbird by The Beatles. (The Mi’kMaq version, sung by Emma Stevens, is

beautiful too.)

Dream Vacation: Three months of backpacking and ashram-living in India.

Favourite Book: This is an impossible question for me! I have so many. Right now, I am

reading Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer and it is exquisite.

Dream Job: Mother-Writer-Teacher-Healer. I am so grateful to be living it.

Favourite Podcast: Reply All never disappoints.

Dream Car: I prefer bicycles.

Favourite Smells: Rosemary. Vanilla. Freshly baked bread. My babies.

Dream meal: The home-cooked meals my friend, Toshiko, cooked for me every evening while I

lived in Japan. Love on a plate.

Favourite item of clothing: My Grampa’s fedora. I don’t wear it. It hangs on my wall, as a

tribute to him.


Stamp of Approval

Spoiler alert - this book is amazing and I LOVE IT! Here's why;

1. I can 110% relate to everything in the book! Whether or not I have experienced it personally, there is someone who has shared a story or I can think about when reading the passages in the book.

2. It made me laugh, cry and remember that I am not alone in the never ending roller coaster of feelings of parenthood! There are days when I feel I am the only one experiencing what I am going through and it can be so difficult. But reading the passages in this book reminded me that I am not alone and that it is okay to feel how I do. 3. It is a quick and easy read! I don't get a lot of time to read so something that is quick and easy is a win in my books! And I am sure many of you can relate to that

4. It may be called brave new mama, but I think this book isn't just for new mamas. It's one of those books that you will look back at many times throughout your life. I wish I had this book as a new mom. I think it really would have resonated with me and helped me through a lot. This book would be a great addition to any moms stocking, baby shower or gift that you are putting together. It is something that I am sure they will carry close to their heart for along time. While I was reading the passages, so much came to mind. It brought back memories of things I went through with both Lily and Mason, during my 1st pregnancy and now. It really made me reflect. It also got me thinking about how I could use this book and one of the things that came to mind is that I could use it as a gift to my daughters one day. That I can write notes about what I experienced alongside the passages and gift it to my daughters. It is something that I hope will be passed on through generations. I am so grateful for this connection and that I've had the opportunity to hold this book in my hands. I hope that you too will experience this feeling and purchase a copy for yourself or a loved one because I can guarantee you won't regret it!

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