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Meet the Maker - Clare Mitchell Designs

Cassie Camara

I love getting snail mail and to be honest I find cards bought in big box stores to be a bit overrated. They all seem the same now a days and less personal. I'd much rather support someone local and be able to write something more heartfelt in someone's card to add my own personal touch. That's why I love Clare Mitchell Designs. Clare created a hand lettering and stationery business specializing in greeting cards, stickers and other stationary accessories. Clare believes in the art of sending cards to loved ones and hopes to keep this tradition alive with her business. Let's get to know Clare and her business a bit more and then scroll down to see me review and why we love her products!

Who’s your IG inspiration?

I’ve been lucky enough to make some amazing IG friends, who I also look up to. Some accounts I look up to in different ways are @realactualmorg @allieroseco @jesspaperco @madebyeli @cardinal_directions @allthingslillyann and I’m going to stop here because I’ll never be able to stop!

What advice would you give your younger self? To not care about what others think about you. Because half the time, they’re probably not thinking about you at all. Do what makes you happy and be a good person even if that means doing what’s not popular.

Where is your business located out of?

A: I recently moved to St. Thomas, but when I started CMD I was living and working in Oakville. This is where I was first able to have my card designs in stores and really explore the idea of making this little card business a full-time job.

How did you choose the name for your business?

Seeing as my business name is my name, it would seem that this would’ve been an obvious choice. But it actually took me a while to decide on a name. I juggled back and forth with adding “paper” into my name, but I didn’t want to put myself in just one category. Adding “designs” to my name really helped me branch out into stickers, keychains and notepads and give me the freedom to explore other products; not just paper products.

Where can people find your products?

I run my business through Etsy! My shop is ClareMitchellDesigns. You can also find some of my designs in The Sweetest Thing on Kerr Street in Oakville! I’m always looking for other small businesses to work with!

What advice can you give someone looking to start up their own business?

The biggest piece of advice I can give is to make your art your own and don’t pay much attention to what other people are doing. Everyone is different, and that’s what makes you and your business unique. People flock to originality more than they do to a person doing the same as everyone else.

What is the most challenging part about running your business?

I think the most challenging part is the comparison and feeling like I’m not doing enough. I try not to compare myself to other businesses but it’s definitely challenging, especially with social media. I’ll see other businesses thriving and I tend to feel like I’m not doing enough when really, I am. There is a lot of behind the scenes work that goes into having a small business that not a lot of people talk about, because it’s not the “fun stuff”. I have to remind myself that this is my dream job and if I want it, only I can put in the work to make it come true.

What does a typical day look like to you?

Seeing as I sell online and I’m not going into a 9-5 Monday to Friday job, every day looks a bit different. After I make my first coffee of the day, I usually like to fill orders, if I have any that day, so orders don’t pile up throughout the week. I usually have one of my 63 (yes, I know I’m addicted) Spotify playlists playing, open my to-do list journal and start working to check things off. I like to dedicate one day a week to be my “relaxing” day. I say “relaxing” because I’m still working, just from my iPad and I’m designing all day, which is a form of self care for me. As much as I like to keep myself busy during the day, I try not to put too much pressure on myself.

Dream Vacation: Hawaii has always been my dream vacation! And truthfully, I’m not sure why because the ocean scares me haha! Just something about how bright and colourful it is, the poke bowls, beautiful flowers and smoothie bowls… sign me up!

Favourite Book: I’ve read a few good books in the last few years, but one that has always stuck with me is The Opposite of Loneliness! It’s a collection of short stories and personal essays she wrote in college, that were chosen by her college professor after her death. Recommend!

Favourite Smell: Lavender. Lavender everything!!

Favourite Item of Clothing: Other than sweats?? Probably my favourite Levi’s ribcage denim (high wasted jeans only!) and an oversized t-shirt or a jumpsuit! Something about a jumpsuit makes me feel powerful!

Sending a card to someone is my favourite thing to do. I love putting that personal touch on it with hand written letter and then knowing that someone is going to get a special surprise in the mail. I always find people are shocked when they get a card in the mail because it isn't the most common form of communication now a days. So sending some snail mail its almost guaranteed to make someone's day! I love Clare Mitchell Designs cards. They are simple, beautiful and give you lots of space to put your own person touch on the card. She has so many different types of cards to offer and you can even purchase a bundle of them so you always have a card on hand when you need it.

I also really love her Community over Competition Keychain. This is something that I carry with me everywhere I go. I truly believe in this statement and think that it is something that people need to do more of. There is so much competition now a days and we need to support each other and build each other up. There is room for everyone to pursue their passions and put their own personal touch on it. And this keychain is the perfect reminder that when I may feel like someone else is trying to rain on my parade that there are lots of other people out there including me as apart of their community.

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