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  • Cassie Camara

Meet the Maker - Common Moms

Meet Jaime and Rebecca, the mama extraordinaire and business women behind The Common Moms. The Common Moms strive to create a social network for moms and babies while supporting the development of children and enhancing the overall health of moms. If you are looking for The Common Moms you can find their programming in Waterdown and Burlington area.

Do you have kids? If so how many & age?  Rebecca: 1 – she is 6 

Jaime: 2 - 5.5 and 2.5 

What's one thing people probably don't know about you? Rebecca: I hate beets.

Jaime: I am terrified of raccons

Are you a stay at home mom? Rebecca: No but I have a wonderfully flexible schedule which is a major win!

Jaime: No I am a work at home mom

What is your favourite thing to do for yourself? Rebecca: Massages

Jaime: Pedicures

What is your favourite date night activity? Rebecca: Dinner! I love food!

Jaime: dinner, live music, game night

What's one thing you couldn't live without?  Rebecca: My phone even though I am embarrassed to admit it!

Jaime: Coffee

Who's your IG inspiration?  Rebecca: Depends what is going on in my life but I do love Think Grow Prosper

Jaime: Jenna Kutcher and The Birds Papaya

What advice would you give your younger self? Rebecca: Life is a journey so enjoy it and don’t try to control it.

Jaime: what you worry about today won't mean a thing in your future

How did you choose the name for your business?  Rebecca & Jaime: We wanted the business to be inclusive, for moms to feel that mom life was common and that we are all just pretending to have our shit together

How do you balance having kids & running a business? Rebecca: I couldn’t do it without my amazing business partner and my incredible parents.

Jaime: I couldn't do it without the support of my a business partne,r family m, my husband and friends

Where can people find your programs? Rebecca & Jaime: Online through our website, social media and we pop up at different events around the city. 

What advice can you give someone looking to start up their own business?  Rebecca: There will be lots of decisions that are scary but sometimes you just have to listen to your gut and go for whatever feels right.

Jaime: Go for it! Jump in with two feet and long as it maeks you happy

What sets your business apart from others alike? Rebecca & Jaime: We are real moms, we have our struggles and we are open and honest about them. We strive to meet everyone needs and value customer feedback more than anything. We listen to our moms and try to give them exactly what it is they want. 

What is the most challenging part of running your business? 

Rebecca & Jaime: All moms and babies have different schedules, trying to make programs work for all moms in all cities can be a challenge as we want to support everyone we can 

What does a typical day look like for you?

Rebecca & Jaime: 6-9 - mom mode - making lunches, getting ready for the day, school and daycare drop offs

9-3 - programs, meetings, behind the scenes work

3-7 mom mode again, extra curricular, dinner, bath, books, bed

7-10 work mode from my lap top, usually with a glass of wine or tea in hand while netflix is on in the background. 

Favourite song: Rebecca - Just Dance Lady Gaga

Jaime - Icona Pop: I love It (gets me pumped up) In my Life - The Beatels (me wedding song)

Dream Vacation:

Rebecca - Amalfii Coast Italy

Jaime - white sand beach, blue water, excellent food and my husband

Favourite Book:

Rebecca - Journey to the Heart – Melody Beattie

Jaime - Eat Like you Give a F%^K - Vegan Cook Book

Dream Job: Rebecca - Producer on a reality TV show

Jaime - Owning my own business

Favourite Podcast: Rebecca - I don’t really listen to podcast, I am more of an audiobook girl

Jaime - The Goal Digger by Jenna Kutcher

Dream Car:  Rebecca - BMW X5

Jaime - Ford Flex I would call it my sexy flexy

Favourite Smell: Rebecca - My blooming lilac tree in the spring and lavender

Jaime - Lilac, coffee, new car

Dream meal: Rebecca - My Nana’s pasta sauce and meatballs

Jaime - bread, cheese, some kind of chutney and wine

Favourite item of clothing: Rebecca - Tights and big sweaters

Jaime - pyjamas

@Camara.Crew Stamp of Approval One of the things I really liked about the Common Moms is that they strive to create events for moms to be comfortable expressing their struggles and create an atmosphere for conversation and socialization while the kiddos play. Not only that, but they also help create memorable moments for moms and the children.

I had the pleasure of attending there Baby Shark themed event with both Lily and Mason. Which is another pro on my list when I am able to take both of my children to a program and know they will enjoy themselves. We had so much fun at the event none of us wanted to leave. From the baby shark photo booth, the cake decorating station provided by Cake Bar, baby shark themed games and songs it was fun for everyone! While the Common Moms do have programming that is specific for toddlers and infants, it is nice that they also make sure there are events and programming that children of a variety of ages can attend.

While I haven't met Rebecca yet, I am sure she is just as amazing with the kids as Jaime is! I've attended to events that Jaime was present at the first being at Duran Place for Kids when she worked on a Princess Tea Party Event. Jaime created the most beautiful craft table for all of the princesses present to create a crown worthy of Queen Elsa's Approval. She also helped keep the kids busy while they awaited Elsa's magical arrival with some songs and dancing. She did the exact same thing at the Baby Shark Event. Jaime is always eager to help moms connect and make memorable moments with their children. She is always around to lend a helping hand with a footprint or photo opportunity. You can tell that the moms and baby's that attend Jaime's events have developed a bond with her over time and that Jaime values that just as much as the parents do.

Another great thing about The Common Moms is they recently expanding their programming. Initially a lot of the programming took place in Waterdown and Burlington however now they have programming available in Stoney Creek. I am excited to check out some of these events with the kiddos and have some more fun with The Common Moms!

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