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  • Cassie Camara

Meet the Maker - Cutie Chews

Meet Amanda, the mama and maker behind @cutiechews from Bowmanville, Ontario. Amanda makes stylish teething accessories for you and your little babes! Amanda can fully customize your items however you wish, & come on how doesn't love that! She also customizes all of her beads by hand. You will be amazing at how beautiful the customization looks when your product arrives!

Stylish Teething Accessories for your little babes! Fully customize your own items (I mean who doesn’t like that!). Wait until you read how she chose the name for her business! I absolutely love the story behind it.

Do you have kids? If so how many & age? 

I’m a new mom, I have baby boy (Jaxon) coming up to 11 Months 

What's one thing people probably don't know about you?

I'm certified in eyelash extensions 

Are you a stay at home mom?

Yes, for the time being!

What is your favourite thing to do for yourself?

I love to go out and grab a Starbucks, go get my hair/toes and nails done 

What is your favourite date night activity?

Dinner/Drinks and go for a walk

What's one thing you couldn't live without? 

Coffee and mascara (eyelashes)

Who's your IG inspiration? 

Hmm that’s a hard one! There’s so many amazing moms out there I love to follow and watch their Instagram stories on! It wouldn’t be fair to pick one! Style wise tho I love Amber Lancaster! 

What advice would you give your younger self

Stop being so impatient!!

How did you choose the name for your business? 

One morning at 3:00am I was up with the worst heartburn while pregnant, I was eating this chocolate (I know, I know who eats chocolate at 3:00am 📷🏼‍♀️) and it was from England, cutie was in the name. And I was already thinking about starting this business so I could make things my little guy could chew on. And BAM cutieCHEWS came to life haha

How do you balance having kids & running a business? 

My boyfriend and family are my biggest supporters. They give me the time to get things done. And I stay up till almost 3am finishing orders while my little guy sleeps. I try not to do the work during the day to be honest (except post pictures when I can) because I feel SO guilty that I’m not doing activities with him.

Where can people find your products?

What advice can you give someone looking to start up their own business? 

Be prepared to invest ALOT.

What sets your business apart from others alike?

My Natural Wood Engraved Beads. I engrave my clips and beads all myself. One by one. I don’t get them sent to me like that.

What is the most challenging part of running your business? 

Keeping up with inventory, I wasn’t prepared for it to do this well to be honest

Coffee or tea? Coffee Neutral or colourful? Neutral  Morning or night? Morning  Wine or beer? Whiskey  Starbucks or Tim Hortons? Starbucks  Online shopping or in store? Online (I’m currently on leave from being a store manager of 10 years) I hate going in malls now Instagram or Facebook? Instagram  Text or phone call? Text 

Instagram: @cutiechews

@Camara.Crew Stamp of Approval:

Teething products are something that I am no expert in. When it came to Lily she handled teething like a champ. She did not want any kind of teething aids and did not really seem bothered by her teeth coming in. Mason on the other hand has been giving me a run for my money. He has been acting like he is teething since he was about 3.5 months old and since he found his hands everything goes in his mouth. I have yet to actually see a tooth but I swear he is teething. We have two products from @cutiechews that Mason and I both LOVE!

One of the reasons I love @cutiechews products is they are modern, trendy and can be customized. A lot of teething companies customize your orders I know, but Amanda customizes each wooden bead by hand which I think add's the sweetest touch to each piece she produces. We have a customized pacifier clip with Mason's name on it. The customization of his name is absolutely beautiful I honestly don't know how she does it. It is the perfect length for a pacifier clip, but if you are looking for something shorter for a newborn she also has a mini version! Mason loves chewing on the wooden beads the most.

We also have the Mala Teething Necklace in Cookies N' Cream. There are a few things I love about this necklace;

1. It is stylish! I love wearing it and have gotten numerous compliments on it. People often have no idea that it is even a teething necklace because it looks so great. A lot of the teething necklaces I've come across I wouldn't want to wear all the time. Yes we are mama's and we would do anything for our babes but we also want to look and feel good to. Accessorizing is one of my favourite things to do and I don't get to do it often because one I don't go out and two my little's are always pulling at my jewelry. However, with the Mala Teething Necklace it looks great and Mason can pull it and chew it all he wants!

2. The length is perfect. A lot of teething necklaces I find aren't long enough. Mason loves to pull on the necklace and when he isn't chewing on it, it's great for just keeping him busy. I don't find that he is tugging at my neck when he is pulling on it because of the length. It also sits at a nice spot visually as well. It gives Mason lots to touch and hold onto.

3. It is soothing! There are a variety of beads on the necklace that it provides lots of soothing opportunities for Mason's gums. Most teething necklaces only come with a few beads however this one is almost completely full with beads. The pendant that Amanda chose is big enough that it also will soothe those nasty molars!

You will not be disappointed with choosing @cutiechews for your teething needs! Amanda is great to work with and her work is outstanding! I highly recommend reaching out to her if you are unsure of what you need and want someone to help you.

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