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Meet the Maker - I AM Bracelets

Cassie Camara

Meet Payton the talented teenager behind I AM _ bracelets! You will be very impressed behind the meaning of I AM_ bracelets. I truly feel that Payton's bracelets can start a movement and that they can relate to so many different people across the world as you are able to make the meaning of your bracelet your own! Read below to learn how and why Payton started her business.

Do you have kids? No kids for me! I'm still a teenager, so going to hold off on that for a bit

What's one thing people probably don't know about you? One thing that people probably don't know about me is that I just started University. I am in my first year and run I AM Bracelets concurrent to going to school full time!

What is your favourite thing to do for yourself?

My favourite thing to do for myself is go to the gym. After a good workout I feel so energized and ready to tackle the day. Anytime I have a spare hour to two between classes I love to squeeze in a quick run or trip to the gym! One the days where I am not feeling like a workout, I love to take some times to curl up with a blanket and a good book. With school it can be hard to find the time to read for leisure, but if I have a minute I incorporate some reading for fun into my life.

What is one thing you can't live without?

My family. They are my greatest support in the world and I couldn't live without them.

Where is your business located? And what is your favourite thing(s) to do in your hometown?

My business is from London, Ontario. My two most favourite things to do in London would have to be going for long walks/runs in Gibbons Park and spending time at Masonville Mall or White Oaks Mall because who doesn't love shopping.

How did you choose the name for your business?

The name I AM_Bracelets actually means a lot to me! When I was in grade 12, I was noticing how much pressure everyone was facing with regards to what they were going to do after high school. I thought of the name I AM_ as a reminder to be who you want to be in this world. Don't worry about what anyone else wants you to with your life, don't worry so much about what society wants you to do, because at the end of the day you know better than anyone else. I AM_ can have a religious meaning if that is something that you personally believe in and connect with, but on a broader scale I AM_ is simply a reminder that you, and you alone have the power to fill in the blank behind the word I AM.

What has been most challenging about starting your own business?

It has been challenging going to school while running my business. It can be exhausting putting in long hours of studying and then coming home to fill orders, respond to message, etc. That being said, I love doing what I do and wouldn't trade it for the world. There are a lot of late nights for me, but I make it happen!

What have you found most supportive when starting your business?

I have found the London community to be very supporting when starting my business. I really just gain customers on a word-of-mouth basis so I am very grateful to all who have shared posts, stories, etc. about my bracelet. It all helps, and is much appreciated.

Coffee or tea? Tea!

Neutral or colourful? Hm.... that's a tough one. Going to have to with neutral for most things, But I do love a colourful outfit ever now and again!

Morning or night? Morning I love getting up early.

Starbucks or Tim Hortons? Starbucks!

Online shopping or in store? In store (trying thing son is half the fun!)

Instagram or Facebook? Instagram (to be perfectly honest, I'm not even entirely sure how to use Facebook!)

Text or phone call? Text I almost always have my phone volume off, so don't normally hear when people call

@Camara.Crew Stamp of Approval:

My "I AM_" Bracelet arrived at the perfect time, a few days before I went into labour with Mason. As soon as it arrived I took it out of the packaging to admire it and of course let Lily try it on. Then I packed it in my hospital bag to ensure I had it when I felt I was going to need it most. While I was in labour I put on the bracelet to remind me that I am a mother, and a darn good one! That I am strong enough to get through the labour. That I AM allowed to feel scared. That I AM not alone in this, that Chris was right by my side and my family was close by. Most importantly that I AM a good mom and that I AM going to be a good mom to both of my kids.

I am sure many of you mom's can relate to the feeling of not knowing who you are anymore. What I love about Payton's bracelet is that it is a constant reminder for me stop and remember who I AM. There is so much more to me than being just a mom. While being a mom is one of my favourite things, I find I often forget that there are other parts of me too. For example, I am confident, I am athletic, I am creative and so much more. I think it is so important for us to stop and remember who we are. I love the messaging that Payton's bracelet has behind it and that it is so unique to each person who puts in on.

I would love to hear from you who you are! Share below by starting with "I AM..."

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