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  • Cassie Camara

Meet the Maker - Massage Therapy on Millen

Updated: Nov 27, 2019

Meet Elissa the mama and owner of Massage Therapy on Millen. If you are local to Hamilton/Stoney Creek you are going to want to contact Elissa for all your massage needs! But first, lets get to know her some more.

Do you have kids? If so how many & age? I have 1! Charles is 2 and I’m absolutely loving raising him so far! He’s the happiest kid and is always keeping us laughing

What's one thing people probably don't know about you? I spent most of my childhood living in Hong Kong! My parents moved us there when I was just 8 years old.

Are you a stay at home mom? That would be amazing! However, As much as I love being at home with Charles, I’m also super passionate about my work. I have been dreaming for years of working for myself and am now finally at a place and time where I am able to make that dream come true!

What is your favourite thing to do for yourself? I have to admit, I love to shop. That is, for myself and if I get to do it ALONE. There is nothing like finding a gem where you didn’t expect.

I'm so busy all the time with my two year old son, keeping him occupied, going to play dates and what not. I seriously cherish the 2 hours after he goes to bed where I can do whatever I want, and don't have to answer to anyone but me. That usually ends up being comfy pajamas and a good show.

Winding down and decompressing.

Also... Massage, massage, massage!

What is your favourite date night activity? Well we certainly don’t get to go on as many of those since having our son, however, my favourite to date was a spur-of-the-moment overnight camping trip. You forget how easy it is when you don’t have bring along everything but the kitchen sink!

What's one thing you couldn't live without? I’d like to go with the sacred “three C’s” .. Coffee, cheese and chocolate, I’m not the only one right?

Who's your IG inspiration? That’s a tough one. I mostly follow friends and family. I have a solid core group of “mom friends” that have played a pivotal role in shaping the mom I am and am becoming. They are all my inspiration. #momtribe

What advice would you give your younger self? Stop with the self doubt. I am a strong and confident woman but when I was younger those qualities didn’t come naturally to me.

Where is business located out of? Out of my home, 209 Millen road.

How did you choose the name for your business? Pretty straight forward. I wanted something that was easy to remember and self explanatory. Massage Therapy on Millen. What I do and where I am. Also, it just has a good ring to it, doesn’t it?

How do you balance having kids & running a business? That’s been an adjustment, let me just say that! Fortunately, I don’t have to worry about anyone else in this business of mine. Not to mention the location makes it quite a bit more manageable.

How can people book your services? I currently take bookings through my business Facebook page You can send me a direct message anytime.

What advice can you give someone looking to start up their own business? Go for it! It’s super scary and hard work, But there is no better feeling than accomplishing that goal. I end my day as happy as my clients at the end of a treatment. If you’ve ever had a great massage, you’ll know exactly how good that feeling is.

What sets your business apart from others alike? I really truly love what I do. I’ve been a massage therapist for 8 years now, and still have the same passion as the day I graduated. Each treatment is thoughtful and thorough. I really care about each individual that comes through my door.

Also, I offer direct billing! Helps too right?

What is the most challenging part of running your business? Having people coming into your home, and wondering what they’re thinking or what their first impression is. We live here, and you can tell. It’s not just a business, it’s a home too. Keeping them separate is a challenge to say the least.

What does a typical day look like for you? Busy. Hah. My son wakes up at the crack of dawn, what toddler doesn’t? Breakfast, laundry, daycare drop off, work, daycare pickup, dinner, cleaning, bedtime and then more work. Sleep. Repeat.

Favourite song: anything country, but especially “my church” by marren morris. Don’t even get me started if i’m driving alone in my car. Dream Vacation: all-inclusive, hot and beachy. Favourite Book: all of harry potter & lord of the rings Dream Job: currently doing it ! Favourite Podcast: i’ve never listened to a podcast ... totally aging myself with that one. Dream Car: eeeeekkkk. Theres so many awesome cars. I like to go fast. Definitely manual transmission. Something built for rallying.. Favourite Smell: bergamot, lemon, grapefruit essential oils Dream meal: always changing. Each season has it’s own. This very minute, a seafood paella sounds perfect. Favourite item of clothing: can I say my yoga pants without everyone rolling their eyes? They are seriously a work staple for me. It’s a physical job and I need clothes that allow me to work freely and are durable.

Facebook: Massage Therapy on Millen 905 818 8630

@Camara.Crew Stamp of Approval I am officially hooked on Massage Therapy on Millen. One thing I have been trying to do more of is self-care especially since becoming pregnant. So I thought, what better way then to treat myself to a massage. I've been having a lot of lower back pain with this pregnancy and the aches and pains started a lot earlier on than with Lily and Mason. So I wanted to find someone who had the following qualities to help me out;

trustworthy knowledgeable understanding good listener flexible schedule And Elissa checked off all those boxes! From the moment I started chatting with her there was an ease in the conversation. I largely think that was because she understood what I was going through as a mom and a pregnant woman. This allowed me to invest my trust in her more easily. She listened, and continues to listen to my concerns and make sure that I am always comfortable. With Elissa working out of her home it allows her to provide more flexible scheduling for parents. I love that I can go for a late evening appointment once my kiddos are tucked into bed and not feel like I am leaving jobs unfinished at home when I go. It allows me to focus on myself more and get the full experience. Then go home for a good nights rest. If you are worried about your privacy while visiting her home for your massage let me put your mind at ease. Her work space is separate from her living space. Inside the massage room there is a private bathroom that you can use to change in and not worry about your privacy being invaded. Since seeing Elissa my back pain is better under control and my mind is also healthier. A massage is not only good for the body but good for the mind and soul to. I highly recommend contacting Elissa today to treat yourself to some much needed and deserved self-care!

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