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  • Cassie Camara

Meet the Maker - Playtime Pyjamas

Today we are going to meet Tania from Playtime Pyjamas. Playtime Pyjamas is a Canadian kid's pyjama brand aiming to get kids and parents alike excited for bed. They offer fun and unique pyjama sets that incorporate creativity and imaginative play into nightly bedtime routines.

Do you have kids? If so how many & age? Yes, 2 amazing kids. Max 10 years old and Lia 8 years old. What's one thing people probably don't know about you? I only sleep around 4-5 hours a night during the week. Are you a stay at home mom? I have been, on and off since my kids were born but I now work on my business full time from home. What is your favourite thing to do for yourself? Anything creative. I love creative projects and activities like drawing and painting, but I also look for creative opportunities in fashion and home décor.

What is your favourite date night activity? A nice dinner with some uninterrupted conversation What's one thing you couldn't live without? Aside from my family, I couldn’t live without my cat. There is something to be said about the therapeutic benefits of a pet. Who's your IG inspiration? Hard to name just one. There are so many different things that inspire me but there always seems to be a common link… other hard working, strong women and more often than not, other moms! What advice would you give your younger self? Don’t underestimate the power of doing things that truly make you happy. Its ok not to please everyone all of the time (still a work in progress!) Where is business located out of? My home office in Montreal How did you choose the name for your business? It just came to me when I came up with the concept for my business. It was as clear as my vision. My son, who was 9 at the time, helped me design our brand’s logo. It all just clicked and came together so effortlessly. How do you balance having kids & running a business? It isn’t easy but I wouldn’t change a thing! I usually work all morning after the school drop off, run errands and cook meals in the afternoon. I spend time with my kids when they’re done school for the day and then I start working on the business again once they go to bed. There is no perfect equation. Some days run quite smoothly, and others are more stressful. I’m slowly learning to accept that and just go with the flow; I think that’s the real key. Nothing is perfect!

Where can people find your products? We sell through our website ( and we ship across Canada. We’ve also started selling at some local markets in Montreal and some virtual markets in Toronto. What advice can you give someone looking to start up their own business? Be passionate about what you plan on doing. Truly believe in the product or service you’re offering. Starting your own business can be very difficult and can be very lonely at times. It sounds so cliché but if you love the project you’re working on, then it makes it much easier to face the challenges that come along with running your own business. I can’t speak for all entrepreneurs but for me, starting my own business has been way harder than any other job I’ve had. However, the successes of the business are way more satisfying and nothing beats the flexibility of working for yourself.

What sets your business apart from others alike? Our pyjamas are the only ones like them on the market. We really focus on the creative aspect that our products promote. The pyjama sets make for a fun and unique gift and we pride ourselves on our quality.

What is the most challenging part of running your business? Time management. I’m always thinking about my business, which I think is normal, but sometimes it’s hard to keep to a schedule. Over time, I’ve learnt how important it is to stick to a routine and to set myself boundaries, so work doesn’t overlap onto family time.

What does a typical day look like for you? Alarm goes off at 6am but I usually snooze until 6:15. I get dressed quickly and rarely put on makeup. My morning routine is less than 15 minutes. I wake up the kids and as they’re getting ready for school, I prepare their breakfast and pack their lunches. We head out the door at 7:30 and I drive them to school which is close by. I often do the groceries from 8-9am. I get home and open my computer at 9am. I work on emails, customer service, social media and I sort through orders that have come in. I then pack all the orders I receive and have them ready to ship before 12pm. I stop for about 30 minutes to eat, usually timed when my husband can break for lunch. With Covid, he is also working from home. After lunch, I start prepping dinner. I leave the house around 2:30pm to deliver my orders. School pick up is at 3:30. We get in around 4pm. I finish cooking dinner, get my kids organized for after school activities like tutoring, ballet, tennis or piano class by zoom, depending on the day. Dinner is usually around 6pm. Cleanup from 7-7:30. More family time until 8:30-9, which includes some tv. I shower at night and once everyone is in bed, I start working again. I often work until 1am and then go to bed. I’m much more of a night owl. My best ideas have come to me late at night. I try to squeeze in workouts whenever I can but Covid has definitely thrown off my routine with gyms being closed and all. I sleep in on weekends and we spend as much time as we can doing things as family and just relaxing. My goal on the weekend is to re-energize for the busy week-ahead.

Favourite song: currently loving Lose Somebody by Kygo/One Republic Dream Vacation: Have never visited Latin America and would love to travel to Argentina or Peru. Favourite Book: Becoming, Michelle Obama (I love her!) Dream Job: Founder of my own company/Self-employed Favourite Podcast: Staying In with Emily and Kumail (hilarious and super relatable conversations about how to survive quarantine- mentally, physically and emotionally) Dream Car: Not really into cars but my mini cooper was my favourite Favourite Smell: Fresh baked apple pie Dream meal: My background is Italian so my mom’s homemade pizza is everything!

Favourite item of clothing: Jeans. That is all I wear

These are by far the coolest pyjamas our kids have. And let me tell you, I have never seen them so excited to go to bed and get dressed as they are when they put on these pyjamas. Usually getting them to pick out pyjamas and then put them on is like an Olympic event but with Playtime Pyjamas it's fun!

Mason and Lily each have the pyjamas that can be coloured on over and over again. We've washed them multiple times, the markers come out of the pyjamas easily and then they are able to start again. They love colouring on them and using their creativity and imagination.

Violet has an imagination set which comes with a set of pyjamas and a plush toy that matches the theme of the pyjamas. Violet's is a mermaid and she has the clam shell and sea horse plush. I love that it is something soft and cuddly she could take to bed with her and use to play as well. Its a great way to get children to use their imagination and play dress up.

I do recommend sizing up for the pyjamas as they are a smaller fit and that way you get longer use out of the pyjamas.

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