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  • Cassie Camara

End of Month Reflection - May

Another month has come and gone and I have to say that this month flew by! I think that's because of a few reasons:

- the weather is getting nicer so we are enjoying ourselves more

- lots of good things happened this month

- my kids birthdays are approaching and I find whenever their birthdays get close time flies

But even though time flew quickly this month I still had lots of time to reflect. This month I think one of the things I learned most about myself is how important getting outdoors is for me. With having my surgery I had limited ability to get outside and when I did I wasn't able to do much. Now that I am walking and able to drive I feel so FREE! So motivated to get moving and to explore. We've been going on adventures almost everyday and I am having so much fun. I always feel so refreshed, re-energized and relaxed after getting outdoors. Somethings we did outside this month are; started our garden, walked to the park, played in the pool, went on a hike and my favourite had a fire with some of our favourite people! There is nothing that I love more during the summer than sitting outside around the fire, with our friends and family having a few drinks and a TON of laughs.

Another form of self-care I learned is important to me this month is music. I've been listening to music more often and I find that it helps keep my head in a good place and wash my worries away. There is nothing better than belting out a Shania Twain song at the top of your lungs! And better yet, having a dance party with the 2 cutest kids in town. I love that they both love country music just as much as I do. We can be having the darkest of days and I throw on some music to drown out the noise and it always lifts up all of our spirits. When all else fails I throw on some baby shark so I can have 5 minutes of peace!

I think the thing that tested me the most this month is my patience. Even though lots of good happened this month, I found my patience to be very limited. Lily is potty training, Mason hasn't been himself , and Lily is learning how to talk back so its been a lot of new things. I learned though that patience is key. While we all deserve to loose our cool sometimes it really doesn't help the situation. So instead of loosing my cool in front of the kiddos I tried to address the situation as calmly as possible and then step outside of the room to have my moment and loose my shit.

What are some things that you learned about yourself this month?

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