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  • Cassie Camara

End of Month Reflection - October

This month has been a rocky one. There's a lot going on that to be honest I don't feel comfortable sharing fully with all of you. And that is not because I am ashamed of them but because I need to have boundaries. There are some things in mine and my family's life that are too personal to share and that would affect other people if disclosed.

Which has brought me to what I have probably reflected on the most this month boundaries. Whether they are work, relationship, friendship or personal boundaries. Whatever it may be, it is so important to have boundaries that you are comfortable with. And I want to really stress boundaries that YOU are comfortable with. Boundaries are not going to be the same for everyone. People are going to have different comfort levels when it comes to different topics and that is okay. So what is most important is that you are comfortable with the boundaries that you are setting for yourself. However, setting the boundaries is only the 1st step! You then have to be confident in them and share them with the world. If other's aren't made aware of your limits then it is going to be easy for them to push them, sometimes without even meaning to.

I think that is largely where I have been lacking lately. If you've followed me long enough you know that I am strong minded and opinionated. I am not afraid to say it how it is and tell you my honest account of something. However, lately I feel like I have been holding back and not speaking up for myself. Not stating my boundaries clearly and being firm in my beliefs and values. In doing so, I have let too many people push my limits and boundaries and get away with it. Mostly because of my own fear of hurting others and making situations worse. So instead of speaking up like I usually would, I bite my tongue and let it slide. While there is a time and place to bite your tongue, sometimes doing that too much can set you up for failure later.

So next month watch out everyone because sassy, speak your mind Cassie is back. I am not letting people push my limits anymore and I can going to stand firm and strong. If they don't like it, well too bad. I am not going to apologize for it because I know how I deserve to be treated and I am not going to live a life that I am not comfortable in.

My wish for you next month is for you to think about what may be pushing your limits and boundaries. Is it your children? Is your spouse not helping out as much as you'd like? Are you family's opinions getting the best of you? Is there someone at work that is not treating you with the respect that you deserve? Whatever it may be! I challenge you to make a list of all the things that may be pushing your boundaries and how that is affecting your life. Then, I want you to tackle one of those items on your list head on. I want you to address the person or situation and state your boundaries firm and strong. If you need that push or want to chat it out I am always just a message away!

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