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Happy Blogging Birthday to Me!

Cassie Camara

I don't even know where to start writing this blog. This is probably the hardest blog I've written because I am so overwhelmed with emotions thinking about how far my blog has come in the past year.

It took me a long time to get the courage to start writing this blog. When I was pregnant with Lily the thought popped into my head but I pushed it aside. Then after I had Lily I thought about it again but really didn't think anyone would want to hear what I have to say. It wasn't until I was pregnant with Mason and I really started talking to other parents, moms & entrepreneurs on social media that I felt my passion to start a blog truly blossom. Honestly, they are who really pushed me to pursue this passion and dream of mine. It was then that I realized that even if people didn't care about what I had to say, I did. That I needed to do this for me. Being a mom can really consume all of you and knowing Mason was going to make his appearance soon scared me. I knew that I needed to take the plunge before he was born otherwise I would have probably pushed it aside again.

What I love about this blog is how much fun I've had writing it! I really enjoy putting together unique content for you guys and reflecting on moments in my families life. A few of my favourite blogs I have written are;

There are a few shout outs and thank you's I need to do because without these people I don't think I would be where I am with this blog!

My Crew - Lily, Mason & Chris if it wasn't for you guys this blog would not exist. You are the reasons I get up in the morning and push myself to be the best version of myself. All three of you are the inspiration behind my blog and I couldn't do it without you guys.

All of the amazing companies that I have worked with I owe a HUGE thank you! I am going to list below all of the companies that I have worked with over the last year because they all deserve huge shout outs. I am so grateful for all of the collaborations, the conversations we've had, being able to share your stories for you, and you sharing my blog as well. My Meet the Maker Series would not exist without each and every one of you!

All of my readers thank you for joining along with me in this journey. If it wasn't for you guys taking the time out of your day to read my blog it probably wouldn't exist anymore. It brings me such joy when I see people have read one of my posts and have taken the time to engage in the conversation. I truly love hearing from each and every one of you. It is the conversations that we have had through social media and the blog that make my heart so happy.

I will be honest with you, at this point I thought I would know the direction my blog is going but I truly don't. I have hopes and dreams for my blog but right now I am happy where we are at. We have grown so much in the past year and my wish is that it only continues to grow with time. One thing I promised myself when I started my blog was that I wanted it to grow organically. I didn't want to buy followers or pretend to be something I am not. I would rather grow at a slower pace and have people joining my community authentically because they truly want to. I am proud to say I have stayed true to that promise and will continue to do so.

I want my blog to be relatable, authentic and place that people feel they can come to and engage in a conversation. I want to talk about the good, bad and ugly with all of you guys. It takes a village to raise a child and I want no parent to feel alone in that journey. We all have something we can learn from each other so by creating a platform we can all share I hope we can do just that; learn from each other.

Over the next year I have plans to bring you more parenting content and posts about my life and family. I am going to continue to do the meet the maker series as long as companies want to work with me. I truly love learning about new companies and the stories behind them. This is a large reason why I started the blog and I want to continue to pursue this part of my blog. I also want to branch out and cover more events happening in and around the area. I want you guys to know what is going on and all the fun things that you can do with your children, as a family or with your spouse. But most importantly I want to hear from you! I want to know what you enjoy about my blog, what do you want to see more of, is there a company you want me to reach out too? Anything! I want to hear from you. I want to keep these conversations going and continue to have fun together!

Thank you to all of the following businesses that I have worked with over the last year

Megan Butchard Photography (who took all the photos for this blog post!)

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